Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal for Skin

Using activated charcoal for skin may come across as messy for most people. Wait up though, here is how to use this carbon laden remedy for clearer, fairer skin. Learn more on active charcoal bar soap, powder, and supplements for skin. 

Activated Charcoal for Skin

Charcoal powder is essential when added to your skin. The charcoal has a property which has the ability to absorb toxins from your body hence making it a suitable remedy to use for cleansing and detoxifying.

Activated Charcoal for Skin

Activated charcoal has no chemical added to it- it is all natural and therefore cannot affect your skin when you use it. It is mild and can be used on the most sensitive of skin. Activated charcoal will cause any allergic reactions.

Common charcoal has the ability to attract other substances to its surface. It is for this property that it thought that activated charcoal draws out impurities from the skin. Note however, that activated charcoal is not same as usual cooking charcoal.

According to webmd, activated charcoal is made from common charcoal in the presence of gas. This makes the charcoal to expand develop internal spaces. This is what gives activated charcoal the ability to trap chemicals.

Benefits of Activated Charcoal

There is not much proof on the benefits of activated charcoal for acne and other skin problems. However, manufacturers have come with a way of incorporating activated charcoal into skin products. This in combination with products such as kaolin and salicylic acid offer an array of benefits for the skin. Here is more;

Acne and Scars

Acne is formed when hair follicles under the skin clog up with dead skin cells and oil. When applied on skin, activated charcoal absorbs all the dirt and oils on your face. This helps unclog your skin’s pores leaving them open for air circulation. This helps to get rid of acne in form of whiteheads, blackheads and acne scars.

Activated charcoal is gritty with small particles that will act as a gentle exfoliating agent. This help to brighten the skin and get rid of blemishes and scars.

For Oily Skin

Carbon in activated charcoal comes in contact with impurities to soak up. It draws out excess oil on the skin helping to balance out things. Use activated charcoal face mask to draw out toxins below the skin surface.

Reduce the Size of Pores and Cleanses the Skin

The presence of oil, dirt and dead cells in your skin pores makes them bigger and more visible. Since charcoal binds to anything that will help it soak, it draws out these impurities helping to clear out the pores.

Soothes Irritations and Skin Bites

Apply activated charcoal on minor skin cuts and irritations to relieve symptoms and hasten healing. Use it on insect stings and bites to draw out venom and infectious toxins.


Although aging is a natural part of our life, sometimes it can occur earlier where it can be caused by the food we eat, environmental changes, and dirt around our workplaces and homes. This toxic and chemical overload can cause skin damage and poorly functional organs.

How to Use the Activated Charcoal for Skin

There are different forms of activated charcoal that can be used for a number of reasons. Each form can be found in form of commercial products that are now sold in local stores and drug stores. Here is how to use activated charcoal for clearer skin;

Activated Charcoal for Skin Bar Soap

Activated charcoal bar soap is one of the products that has been used most for skin problems. It is touted as an effective remedy to clean and clarify skin. Use activated charcoal soap to open up pores and get rid of adult acne. It will help prevent breakouts and scars.

Activated Charcoal Bar Soap for Skin

People with sensitive/dry skin may not benefit from harsh cleansing soaps. Activated charcoal is a preferred alternative to sulfate laden soap that are harsh and irritating to the skin. Chemicals and fragrances used to make soaps disrupt skin PH and may be problematic for those with sensitive skin.

Note that using activated charcoal will not work magic for skin problems. Alongside this, practice proper skin habits. Clean and moisturize your skin and use other acne fighting agents such as aloe vera and acetyl salicylic acid to get rid of serious acne.

One of the most commonly used Activated Charcoal Bar Soap Products is Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin Activated Charcoal Bar Soap. It is blended with other ingredients such as glycerin and sunflower seed oil to help balance and clear skin of excess oil. You can buy this online on Makeup Alley, Amazon and at your local drugstores.

Activated Charcoal for Skin Capsules and Tablets

This form is rarely used on skin. Activated charcoal capsules are commonly used to treat indigestion and bloating. However, these benefits alongside that of flushing out toxins from the body ultimately results in clearer healthier skin.

Activated Charcoal Capsules

Accumulation of toxins and stress from free radicals exert cellular stress which leads to faster aging. Buy Activated charcoal capsules at Walgreens, Walmart and Target. Products include;

  • Nature’s Way Activated Charcoal Capsules
  • Purest Vantage Activated Charcoal Capsules
  • Holland and Barret Activated Charcoal Capsules

Activated Charcoal for Skin Powder

Charcoal Powder is commonly used to make skin clearing facial scrubs and masks. Most products are made to a fine powder that makes it gentle for use on the soft sensitive skin on the face. You can use this powder to get rid of acne breakouts, insect bites/stings and even as a deodorant.

How to make Activated Charcoal for the Facial Mask

Activated charcoal naturally absorbs impurities on the skin. This Charcoal mask deep cleanses the skin leaving it soft and flawless. It also helps to purify the skin, draw out toxins hence bringing relief for common skin issues.

A routine use of this facial mask helps prevent chronic skin problems such as

  • Dry skin issues
  • Oily skin
  • Acne
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Scars

Follow the following procedure when preparing activated charcoal mask.

  1. Add one and half tablespoon of charcoal powder in a bowl.
  2. Add two tablespoon of water to the powder
  3. Apply half a tablespoon of natural oils, e.g., coconut or olive oil. The use of oils is optional; you can opt to make the facial without adding oil.
  4. Use your finger to mix the three ingredients well to make a paste.
  5. Use water or oil to wet your face before applying the mixture.
  6. Using your fingers gently apply the mask on your face.
  7. Let the mask settle for about 10-15 minutes. After a while, the mask may start to dry on the face. Therefore sprinkle some water on the face to prevent the cover from cracking.
  8. Rinse off the paste by using lukewarm water and get off as much charcoal mask as possible.
  9. You can also use baking soda with water to remove the excess cover.
  10. Then apply some oil to ensure the skin remains moisturized.

How to make a Face Peel Off Mask

Activated Charcoal Peel of Mask

Active charcoal peel off mask absorbs excess oil, gently exfoliate and minimize the size of pores.

  1. Open eight capsules of charcoal and pour the powder into a bowl.
  2. Add two tablespoon of non-toxic glue to the tablets powder.
  3. Add half tablespoon of water to the mixture.
  4. Mix the ingredients well until the charcoal powder dissolves in the glue.
  5. Clean your face and wet it with water or oil.
  6. Apply the mixture on the face using a soft brush and ensure you apply a thin layer of the mask. You should use a thin layer because if you apply a thick coat, it will dry up before you the process finishes.
  7. Leave the mask for 30 minutes to dry up until the edges start to peel off.
  8. Then slowly peel off the mask upward.
  9. Rinse with lukewarm water and then moisturize.


  • Boscia Luminizing Black Mask
  • Daiso Japan Natural Pack Peel off Mask
  • JorgObe Peel off Mask
  • Blaq Mask

How to make Charcoal Pore Strips

The recipe for charcoal pore strips is most suitable for people suffering from blackheads and acne. The mixture works by completely removing the pesky blackheads. Activated charcoal helps draw out the unwanted impurities from your skin which causes acne and formation of blackheads. Therefore the following procedure is used;

  1. Rub a warm towel on your face. The process helps you to open the pores
  2. Mix two tablespoon of gelatin and one tablespoon of water.
  3. Put the mixture in the microwave and let it heat for about 20-30 minutes.
  4. Add three tablespoons of charcoal and mix quickly before the mixture cools down.
  5. After it cools down and well mixed, apply the paste on your face and leave it to dry up.
  6. Then rinse off with warm water.

Side Effects of Using Activated Charcoal

Respiratory effect

An accidental of charcoal administration to the lungs can result in respiratory distress. The respiratory effect mostly occurs in adults.


Ocular infection occurs if the abrasive grits from the charcoal come into contact with your eyes. Charcoal is in powder form- you should be careful when handling it to avoid contact with your eyes.

Metabolic side effects

When you take multiple doses of activated charcoal, it combines with sorbitol and this combination causes hypomagnesaemia, dehydration, and shock.

Lindsay Sullivan

View Comments

  • Thanks,I suffered a Severe Chemical Allergic Reaction,especially on my face and I'm glad I remembered that I've used Charcoal products for many years and I am confident that i will get back my beautiful clear complexion. Thanks again

  • And if yes then also give me suggestions for where I can buy those soaps online and which brand is best in the business.

  • is a there any difference between the usual charcoal and Activitee charcoal?????, if it is a there what is it?

    • Hello Brian...

      Yes, there is a difference between activated charcoal and normal charcoal. Activated charcoal has oxygen added to it to increase porosity thus its surface area. Usually used to as an alternative medicine, it is usually used to remove chemicals and other toxins.

Published by
Lindsay Sullivan

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