Thigh Lumps

Lump on Inner Thigh Causes in Females, Males and How to Get Rid of Small Painful Inner Thigh Bumps

A lump on inner thigh can be small or big, hard or soft. When inflamed, red bumps between thighs can be painful and cause a lot of discomfort. Both males and females can get these thigh lumps. Here are the causes and treatments to get rid of lumps under the skin on the thigh area.

A thigh lump on inner thigh is the bulge, bump, contusion, or swollen area on the thigh. Lumps might be brought by any number of the conditions, including the infections, inflammation as well as trauma.

A bump on inner thighs may be a boil due to bacterial infections

Depending on the cause, inner thigh lumps can be single or even multiple, soft or even firm, painful or maybe painless. They can grow rapidly or might not change in size. You can also experience other symptoms, depending on the cause of the thigh lump.

There can be several other causes of the red bump on the inner thigh. Some are very mild, while others are too serious. In order to decide whether bumps on the inner thighs are very serious or not, you are required to understand when they started to show up, whether or not there are any other associated symptoms, and whether or not they go away without treatment.

Lump on inner thigh that are due to infections or near the leg can appear as boils or abscesses. Traumatic reasons for thigh lumps may include the minor injuries like the bug bites or severe injuries that may produce a localized hematoma (which is a collection of blood in the body tissues).

Causes or lumps on inner thigh

There are several conditions that can lead to bumps to appear on the inner thighs. Some of the conditions are very mild and may not need any medical attention.

Others can be very serious and could need urgent medication or other medical intervention so as for them to disappear. Determining the reason for the bumps on the leg will help you to narrow down the needed treatment more effectively.

1. Staph Infections

More serious bacterial infections can lead to an abscess on the thigh. They are mostly accompanied by the pain, redness and swelling in the area. You can also notice a cyst that is forming around the thigh area, especially if the condition is with a gangrene.

Bacterial infections can cause cysts on inner thighs.
  • Bacteria or fungus that is located on the surface of the skin can lead to a boil.
  • Boils are very common and are normally brought about by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. It is the most common bacteria that is found on the skin.
  • When the hair follicle is damaged by the scratch or any other break in the skin, the bacteria is thus able to move deeper into the follicular tissues, leading to an infection and thus a boil.
  • Boils can appear after taking of antibiotics and are very common in diabetic and the immune compromised people.

2. Boils or Abscesses

An abscess may be caused by the staph aureus bacteria that infiltrates the skin leading to pain, skin swelling, redness and cysts on the inner thigh.

The main treatment for abscesses and boils on inner thigh is to apply a warm compress to the affected skin spot and take medication. There may be need to have it lanced by the doctor. Elevating the leg can assist to reduce the swelling of the affected area.

3. Sebaceous Cyst Lump under the Thigh Skin

These are the growths that have fluid, or any other substances. They then develop under the skin in any part of the body. Sebaceous cysts feel like a small ball and may then be moved around slightly

4. Warts on Inner Thighs

Warts can also appear as soft lumps or bumps on inner thighs

Usually caused by viruses, warts normally infiltrates the skin leading to the bumps on the inner thighs. The main symptoms are the dry red bumps on upper inner thighs that may feel scaly.

  • There is medication that you can apply to get rid of warts and the doctor might freeze off or even burn off the warts, thus getting rid of them so that they go away.
  • Some viral infections can also lead to warts that are appearing on the inner thigh.
  • Warts are much common in the children than adults.

It is possible for warts to move from one area to others in the body; if they are much exposed. Warts that are high on the inner thigh can also be the genital warts. All warts can be dry and scaly, and some can be swollen or painful.

5. Chafing Thighs and Inner Thigh Bumps

Thigh chafing can be very painful and cause small bumps and lumps

Friction during running can occur when the thighs rub. The friction then leads to in irritation of your skin especially on the inner thighs, causing the bumps on inner thighs. The irritation may lead to a heat rash known as miliara.

  • Irritated skin usually causes blockage of the sweat glands and the formation of the pink, red or even the white lump on inner thigh.
  • Common symptoms are the itching or a prickly feeling in the thighs.
  • Sometimes heat rash on inner thighs may be very painful. It is more likely to happen if you live in a temperate climate but anytime the thighs rub together (chafing thighs), the bumps due to friction may happen.

The best treatment that is highly recommended for the friction bumps on the inner thighs is to wash the place gently using water and then allow it to dry fully. Then put on something that is greasy like the petroleum jelly.

If the area is very swollen, crusted over or even bleeding, the doctor can recommend a type of medicated ointment that is able to heal the bumps. Rest as much as you can so that you don’t rub the thighs together much.

Ongoing friction can lead to worsened symptoms and the bumps may become infected. If this is the case, then oral antibiotics or even topical antibiotics are indicated.

6. Blood Clot Swelling on Inner Thighs

A common cause for the red bump on inner thigh is hidradentis suppurativa. Lesions that are stemming from the disease often break open and then leak pus, which can cause an unpleasant odor.

These are brought about by the blood clot and the dead skin cells that are blocking the hair follicles that may be on the legs that then become much infected with bacteria. Some other conditions, including genetics, or smoking may add to the likelihood that you can develop this condition.

7. Cyst on Thighs

A similar condition, known as folliculitis, can lead to red bump on inner thigh. This comes about when the bacteria disturbs the hair follicles, leading them to be inflamed. It may also lead to the painful, itchy boils that are developing on the area.

Folliculitis can be brought about by a number of several types of the bacteria that will influence the severity of the condition and also the chances of scarring.

8. Cancer and Bumps that Keep Getting Bigger

A tumor like this can appear on upper inner thighs

If the bump on the thigh appears to be coming from below the skin, it can be a tumor. A normal bump that is due to injury or even a body growth shrinks or go away in very few days.

  • Any bumps that appear to be growing, more especially if they are growing quickly, may be part of the more serious condition like the cancer.
  • If you have bumps that are growing under the skin at a high rate, it might imply that these are metastatic tumors.

You should see the doctor as soon as you can. If the bump on inner thigh are from the tumors and are not in any way treated, this might lead to a life-threatening situation. Even if they are not the result of cancer. Tumors may spread easily if they come close to the bone or to blood vessels.

9. Pimples or Acne Bumps between Thighs

Acne bumps start as a red swollen area of the skin and then develop into a larger, pus-filled pustule. These area may itch in the beginning and also become very painful as the pimples fill with the pus.

Pustules may then form and also appear with a white or yellow center. Boils are normally pea-sized but may be as large as the golf ball, usually growing at a very rapid pace. Fatigue and fever can accompany the pimple. The surrounding skin is normally red and also swollen.

10. STD Bumps on Inner Thighs

Bumps that are too painful or sometimes they are near the genitals can be brought about by an STD such as the herpes or even syphilis. In most of the cases, the bumps can appear as blisters on the thighs or even the genitals.

  • Cysts brought about by herpes will usually be accompanied by fever, muscle pain, or fatigue.
  • Syphilis might lead to chills, muscle aches, full body rash, and also headaches.

    Some STDs such as genital herpes can cause blistering bumps near the inner thighs.

Lump on Upper Thigh Near Groin

Common causes of a small lump or lumps in the groin area include:

  • A cyst– this is a harmless fluid-filled lump
  • Swollen glands– they are usually a sign of infection, like the cold or even a glandular fever; the glands then tend to go down when you recover
  • Hernia– this is where an internal part of the body, like the part of the bowel, pushes through a weakness in the muscle or even the surrounding tissue wall
  • An enlarged vein– known as a saphena varix, which is caused by a faulty valve inside the vein (the lump often disappears when you lie down)
  • Genital warts– they are small, fleshy growths brought about by a sexually transmitted infection.

Painful Lump on Inner Thigh Female, Male

Jock itch is the fungal infection that is found almost exclusively in males. It might cause groin itching that spreads to lump on inner thigh. You might also get it in the area surrounding the anus or buttocks. The main finding is that a rash that has a red itchy bumps on the inner thighs.

This type of rash might spread if not treated. In very rare cases, it can be seen in women but it is not considered a sexually transmitted condition.

  • Treatment is by washing of the affected area using soap and water so as to cleanse it before putting on an antifungal cream on the area where the rash is and a beyond the borders of the rash.
  • The best antifungal remedies that are known are creams containing miconazole, or terbinafine.
  • If you do not get resolution of the symptoms after one week, seek the advice of the doctor.

For blisters due to ringworm, warm compresses as well as antifungal cream may be applied after you dry the area.

Enlarged lymph glands, normally caused by the infection. Persistent swelling could be an indication of something more serious, such as a lymphoma. There may also be other symptoms, such as night sweats, breathlessness and itching.

Swollen lymph nodes are common and not very dangerous. Put a warm, moist cloth over the area so as to draw out fluid. See the doctor if a cyst becomes much painful or unsightly. These are easily gotten rid of under local anesthetic.

Hard Lumps between Thighs Won’t Pop

Several types of abnormal growths can happen in the soft tissue. If the growth is a sarcoma, then it’s a malignant tumor or even cancer. Malignant implies that parts of the tumor might break off and then spread into the surrounding tissues.

These escaped cells then move throughout the body and lodge in the liver, lungs or other important organs leading to lump on inner thigh that won’t pop.

Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Sarcomas of soft tissue are usually uncommon, especially when compared with the carcinomas, which is another type of a malignant tumor. Sarcomas may be life-threatening, more especially if they’re diagnosed when the tumor is already very large or has spread to other tissues.

Usually, the cause of the soft tissue sarcoma isn’t identified. The exception to this is the Kaposi’s sarcoma which is a cancer of the lining of blood or the lymph vessels. This cancer leads to purple or brown lesions on the skin.

It’s due to the infection with the human herpes virus 8 (also abbreviated as HHV-8). These normally occur in people who have reduced immunity, such as HIV. Note that some might also arise without the HIV infection.

Exposure to Radiation

Radiation exposure, especially the intense radiation of the radiation therapy, can also be a risk factor. Radiation therapy normally treats more common cancers like the breast cancer or lymphomas. Unfortunately, this effective therapy might increase the risk of developing certain other forms of cancer, like the soft tissue sarcoma. Patients who have gone through radiation therapy in the past should ensure to be checked for the development of a new soft tissue sarcomas.

Doctors normally only diagnose the soft tissue sarcoma when the tumor is fairly large as there are very few early symptoms. By the time the cancer leads to recognizable signs, it has already spread to other tissues and even organs in the body.

If the doctor suspects a soft tissue sarcoma, they’ll get a complete family history to find out if other members of family may have had any rare forms of cancer. You will also likely undergo a physical exam to check the general health. This can assist to determine the treatments that may be best for you.

Small bumps in Thighs under the Skin

Raised skin bump on inner thigh are much common, and in most of the cases they’re harmless. They might result from a number of conditions, that includes including:

  • an infection
  • allergic reaction
  • a skin disorder
  • skin cancer

Skin bump on inner thigh also vary in the appearance and the number depending on the exact cause. They can be the same color as the skin or a different color. They can also be very itchy or non-itchy, very large or small. Some might be hard while others feel soft and more movable.

Most skin bumps don’t require treatment. However, you should speak with the doctor if the bumps are leading to discomfort. You should also call the doctor if you’re concerned about any of the changes in the bumps or in the overall condition of the skin.

Treatments and How to Get Rid of Lumps on Inner Thigh

Hidradentis suppurativa may be treated using basic hygiene if you apply gentle soaps. Put on loose clothing, lose weight, and then quit smoking to assist the lesions go away more quickly. If it has been 2-3 weeks and the lesions have not changed, then you might be having an infection that needs medical treatment.

Antibiotic Treatments for Inner Thigh Cysts

Any abscesses on the thigh, including those from the folliculitis, should be inspected by the doctor to find out any potential need for antibiotics. Use a warm compress to the area for about 15 minutes every day with the leg elevated to assist take down the swelling and pain.

Freezing Warts and Antiviral Medications

Viral infections, like the warts or molluscum contagiosum, will need medical attention. A doctor may get rid of warts, usually by freezing them.

If the infection has started to spread, this is the perfect way to avoid further infection. A mild case of molluscum contagiosum can go away on its own. A doctor will assist you determine if the infection needs treatment.

Infections that normally appear to be the result of an STD might need medical attention. Syphilis can cause serious health concerns that could be life threatening or even lead to brain damage if it goes unchecked.

There is no given cure for herpes and you will require both treatment as well as counseling to help keep breakouts in check and to prevent you from transmitting the disease to any partners you have in the future.

  • Any other bump on inner thigh that appear to be growing below the skin, especially those that are growing at a fast rate, should be examined by the doctor as soon as possible.
  • Tumors that are left to grow can lead to damage to the leg and may be life threatening, even if they are not very cancerous.
  • Those that are cancerous will require to be dealt with fast as tumors that are not attached to the organs can easily spread once they come in contact with the blood vessels or bone.
  • Radiation treatment therapy, surgery and chemotherapy are the most common cancer treatments.

Treatment of the boils should be directed by the health-care provider. If you have redness or even red streaks that are spreading from the infected area, have an accompanying fever, if you are diabetic or you are currently taking an antibiotic or even cortisone medication then you should see a health-care provider at the start of symptoms.

Warm Compresses

Applying of a hot compress on the lump on inner thigh or even sitting in a hot bath can assist to alleviate the pain until the boil ruptures and then drains on its own. When the boil ruptures, then the pain relief is forthcoming.

For most of the skin bumps, the long-term outlook is perfect. The majority of the bumps are brought by harmless, temporary conditions that don’t need treatment. If the skin bumps are brought by an infection or the long-term condition, timely medical treatment should either clear it up or effectively ease the symptoms.

The outlook is also very good when skin cancer is identified early. However, the frequent follow-ups will be very necessary so as to ensure the cancer doesn’t grow. The outlook for more advanced forms of skin cancer normally varies with each situation.

Further references;

  1. com Pimples on Thighs or Bumps on Inner Thighs and Buttocks Causes, Treatment
  2. What is a thigh lump?:
  3. What’s Causing This Raised Bump on My Skin?:
  4. Soft Tissue Sarcoma (Rhabdomyosarcoma):
  5. Lumps and swellings:
Lindsay Sullivan

View Comments

  • Hi I have had recently a fungle infection in my groin area.Smells like toe fungus.I have had two of anti biotic cream.Cannot rember the name. Both times the infection cleared as proscibed.It has come back each time accompanied by little red patches some with tiny white heads in the middle.None have appeared on my scrotum,only on the inner thigh.
    About six weeks prior I read an article in the local newspaper(nz Herald) about an American man who had similar symptoms.He took two years to find out what it was.By then it had morphed into a cancer that had spread to his internals.The good news is he was in time to save his life, tho some surgery was neccessary.Obviously I want to avoid that outcome.GRANT.

  • My wife has had these weird pus/blood-filled bumps on her inner thigh for years. She got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and she decided to go an alternative diet to try and fix it. The diet didn't fix her thyroid, but serendipitously it made the bumps go away! She thinks it was white potatoes causing them, but not entirely sure. It was the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet.

  • I have had a bump form on my knee for a few years now. I had it X-rayed and the technician said that they could see a small metallic object under the lump. I was sent to a surgeon and he told me that he can't see any objects in the same X-ray that the hospital tech took and told me to go to my GP and have him remove it in his office. I now think it is a tumor and I don't want it to go on too long. My doctor says he doesn't "think" it is a tumor.

Published by
Lindsay Sullivan

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