How to Change Your Eye Color with Honey

Are you looking for how to change your eye color naturally with honey? Eye color change with honey is a controversial subject that is entirely based of what people have done. There are no scientific facts to support these claims. Here is more on how to change your eye color with honey. You will also find useful reviews and answers to common FAQ’s:

  • Is there a way to lighten eye color naturally?
  • Can you honey change your eye color with honey?
  • Does honey really change your eye color?
  • How does honey change your eye color?
  • Can you change your eye color without contact or surgery?

Before we get at it, it is important to note that the color of your eyes is determined by genes and melanin build up. While there are ways you can naturally or temporarily alter the color of your eyes, there no way you can permanently alter eye color naturally.

Favorite Eye Color Poll Results

Does Honey Change Eye Color?

Can you change your eye color with honey? Does honey really change your eye color? Honey is just one of the ways of naturally changing the color of your eyes. Most people doubt whether this really works but using the right procedure and ingredients has proven to work for some people. Pure honey and water are best recommended since putting anything unpurified in eyes can cause you lots of problems.

According to sources such as WikiHow on how to lighten eye color naturally, it is highly discouraged to use honey to change eye color. The claims that using honey drops in each eye to lighten them is dangerous since it contains bacteria. Introducing bacteria found in natural honey can easily cause eye infections and probably irritation.

To be safe when trying to change eye color at home with honey, simply avoid putting honey eye drops in your eyes, even if you want to try to use much diluted honey.

In a contradicting tone, some forum comments on websites such as (see sources at the end) claim that raw honey has been used as an antibacterial for a long time and is safe for putting in the eyes. It is important to note that warnings on the use of honey to brighten eye color are quite resounding and should not be ignored.

How often should you apply honey drops to change natural eye color? How long does it take for honey to change your eye color? These are some of the questions I have been seeing on the use of natural honey. Feel free to comment below if you have seen this method being used to give good results.

How to change your eye color with honey water

How Does Honey Lighten Eye Color?

Honey is known to have natural bleaching properties. It is commonly used as a household ingredient for lightening skin and dark spots. Other uses include bleaching hair and also being used as a home remedy for allergies.

But how does honey change eye color? It is its bleaching ability that makes some people who want to change eye color to speculate using honey eye drops to lighten dark brown eyes and make them lighter. Changing your eye color with honey might not give significant results since some of the claims online showing that it works are not supported by any results or photos that prove it really works.

Does Honey Change Your Eye Color Permanently?

It is important to know that there is no way you can permanently alter your eye color naturally.  Ways that promise permanent change risk damage and even loss of eyesight which is never encouraged. So, does honey change your eye color permanently? No, it doesn’t. Eye color change with honey is a temporary method to slightly lighten your eye color a few shades lighter.

Honey and Water to Lighten Eyes

Those who have used honey to lighten their eyes recommend adding in lukewarm water to make it less sticky. Using honey and water to lighten eyes also makes it safer and less irritating. It is recommended that you put two to three drops of pure honey water into each eye every morning and evening. Do this daily for at least two weeks for better results.

Use honey to change eye color

Here is how to change eye color with honey water

  1. Use raw Manuka honey to lighten eyes if possible – most people say it works best. [easyazon_link identifier=”B015P0U3JM” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″]This one is UMF 20+[/easyazon_link] which is the highest level of antibacterial activity. It’s not cheap but will last a long time. [easyazon_link identifier=”B015P1HPDS” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″]UMF+10 or 15[/easyazon_link] would be okay. Just don’t use any that isn’t UMF+ certified.
  2. Warm bottled clean water or distilled works better than cold water
  3. Mix honey and distilled water in the ratio of 1:5 (1 drop of honey for 5 drops of water)
  4. Place the mixture in a clean dropper bottle
  5. Use a clean dropper to carefully place 2-3 drops in each eye
  6. Store the remaining contents in a cool dark place

Other than for making eye lightening drops, honey is also a natural antibacterial that has been used to clean the eye and clear of common eye infections such as pink eye. There are several studies on try and validate the use of 20% honey solution in patients with dry eye syndrome.

Honey Drops to Lighten Eyes

Is it safe to use honey drops to lighten eyes? It is no surprise how many people have considered changing the color of their eyes using honey but still hold back due to uncertainty about its safety. According to Dr. Hamid Sajjadi, an experienced ophthalmologist says that if honey is correctly mixed with water in the correct ratio of 1:5, it is not harmful. But he continues to say that he only recommends this remedy for dry eyes and not to brighten or lighten the color of eyes which he insists is a false claim.

Doctors stand by the fact that there is nothing like eye drops that change color. While benefits of putting honey in eyes are not scientifically backed, some of these doctors say that using honey as an eye wash can clear cloudy eyes and get rid of infection.

Change Eye Color with Honey Results

While honey has been used for quite a while to change the color of eyes from darker colors to more subtle hues the only prove there is to this is the numerous number of before and after photos that people have put up online. Positive reviews recommend that honey to lighten eye color should be used on a frequent basis.

Possible Side Effects of Using Honey to Change Your Eye Color

The reasons why it is highly discouraged to put honey in your eyes can be attributed to the possible dangers and risks you are likely to face. It has been found that the honey sold in most retail stores is not pure honey at all. It is something else that is artificially made.

  • The pH of the human eye is around 7.5 according to Clear Lenses. On the other hand, the pH of honey is around 3.9 according to Wikipedia. That means that the acidic nature of honey can cause burning in the eyes if you put raw honey in your eyes to try to change eye color naturally.
  • DO NOT put raw honey in your eyes.
  • Although some people may dilute honey with water to make it less acidic, without the right level of accuracy in measuring the pH can still cause your eyes to sting or become irritated when you put dilute honey water drops in them.

If the honey you are trying to put in your eye is contaminated, you are in for serious trouble in terms of an eye infection or irritation. Before you try to use honey to change eye color naturally, read below to understand how eye color develops.

Is it Really Possible to Change Eye Color?

Eye color is a genetic trait that is determined by the pigmentation in the part of the eye called the iris. Genetic makeup will determine if you will have blue, green, brown, grey or hazel eyes. Dark brown eyes are the type of eye color that most people try to lighten more often than not. According to a research done by All About Vision, brown eye color is among the least attractive eyes, pointing to the reason why some people try to lighten them.

It is almost impossible to change the original pigment in the iris that determines your eye color because it is genetically determined. However, some procedures such as the stroma procedure and laser treatment have been developed to help those who want to turn brown eyes blue, or to the most attractive green eye color. Whether honey as the method to change eye color without surgery is effective or not has not been scientifically determined.

New Eye Drop Product for Color Change

As of 2018 there is a new product being sold on Amazon – [easyazon_link identifier=”B074W2554S” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″]iColour Color Changing Eye Drops [/easyazon_link] – that is designed to change eye color. iColour, say that “these color enhancing eye drops have been scientifically designed to slowly and safely change your natural eye color to the shade, and hue, of your choice”. There are 16 different colors and shades to choose from. When I last checked, over half the customers had given it 5 stars out of 5 but not everyone has seen such great results.

I’d recommend checking out the [easyazon_link identifier=”B074W2554S” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″]customers reviews and questions answered[/easyazon_link] (there are a lot!) for yourself to see if this is something you might be interested in.

Unfortunately it is only available in the US at the moment so if Amazon redirects you to your own local site you won’t find it and you’ll need to go to follow [easyazon_link identifier=”B074W2554S” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″ localize=”n”]this link to[/easyazon_link] to read the reviews and questions there.

If you do buy it make sure you select the right shade option on the right hand side of the page. And of course, let us know how you get on!



Clear Lenses: A Not Too Scientific Description of pH Value Eye Drops

CNN: Laser procedure can turn brown eyes blue

All About Vision: Eye Color: How it Develops; Why Does it Change?

WikiHow: How to Change Your Eye Color Naturally

Bodybuilding Forums: My eye lightening journey, with solid proof of how it works

Wikipedia: Honey

Lindsay Sullivan

View Comments

  • I have used raw honey and distilled water for little over a week now. I have used the drops several times a day and I swear it has lightened my eyes! I can see lighter stress lines in both eyes and light brown hues in the iris. I didnt believe it would work and simetimes I think im just imagining it and maybe i am?! Anyway i will continue this regime and see if anyone comment and noticing it ...

  • I want to try it but the fact that people might lose their eyesight because of the use of honey scared the crap out of me.

  • I have very dark brown eyes, I'm seeking for the best ways to change my eye colour. I'm scared to use this remedy, coz I'm gonna donate my eyes before I die until that I need to beautify me :)

  • exactly what kind of honey BRAND should i use to have great results... ANYONE, please answer this. thank you

  • I'm on day 4 of putting honey in my eyes and I have to say it definitely is working. I'm Caucasian with light brown hair and medium brown eyes and as early as day 2 I noticed my eyes getting lighter. When I look closely at my iris now in the bathroom mirror I can even see olive/hazel tones around the edge!! My eyes have NEVER been this color my entire life, so this is miraculous. From reading online it takes upwards of 3 months to see significant results. Right now I'm using raw orange blossom honey about 1:5 (honey to water).

  • Is it safe if you wear glasses? Cuz i have astigmatism myopia, like near sighted and I don't want to ruin my eyes more! Is it safe? and i'm under 18 so should I still put it if my eyes are still growing?

  • Honey does work but it takes awhile. I've been doing it for 2.5 years and am only a shade lighter. I read it can take about 5 years to see a noticeable difference in extremely dark eyes.

  • I just started today and I'm using clover honey(is it the right honey to use). How long does it takes for the eye color to change?

  • My eye color is dark brown .. I wanna make my eyes light brown .... I will try it but um a little scared ????

  • What if I wear contacts too? Will that effect doing this process? Please reply if you know.

  • I have dark brown eyes and I want blue ones but the problem is that I don't know what type of honey to use.

Published by
Lindsay Sullivan

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