Dark underarms can be a reason to sink into low self esteem. You have probably stashed all your sleeveless tops away since you cannot afford to show off your armpits. Read on for natural armpit whitening with lemon, baking soda and cucumber. Also find out the causes of dark underarms, remedies and tips on how to get rid of dark underarms naturally.
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Causes of Dark Underarms
This is not a disease but a way the skin responds to various elements. The same way you would get dark under eyes due to overexposure to sunlight. However, at times dark armpits may be considered a sign of a medical condition known as Acanthosis Nigricans. This hyper-pigmentation is a condition that is often associated with insulin resistance. It may be associated with cancer and certain hormonal disorders such as Addison’s disease.

Here is a list of non-medical reasons that cause dark skin underarms
- Shaving- wax instead
- Use of alcohol based deodorants and antiperspirants
- Accumulation of dead cells
- Regular use of hair removal creams
- Excessive underarm sweating
- Poor ventilation of underarms
- Rough rubbing and scrubbing
How to Get Rid of Dark Armpits Naturally
Being cautious to raise your hands all the time can be somewhat a big curtail to your freedom. I know how embarrassing dark armpits can be especially when you have to wear sleeveless tops. If your underarms have turned dark with time, do not fret. There are very simple effective ways to get rid of dark armpits naturally.
Natural armpit whitening is a skill that will go a long way. It will help deal with other areas of your skin that get discolored for one reason or the other like under eyes, elbow and knees. This however calls for your patience, consistency and safe skin practices.
Here are simple tips to get rid of dark underarms naturally.

- Exfoliate underarms with naturally
- Use other alternatives for underarm shaving
- Avoid alcohol based deodorants and antiperspirants
- Do not skip showers
- Avoid tight clothes especially synthetic
- Manage your weight
- Be careful with hair removal creams
Natural Armpit Whitening and Bleaching
Famous deodorant brands have been advertising great products that promise to help you clear the dark underarm skin. One thing you should understand is that getting rid of dark armpits naturally is a sure way with no side effects on your skin. These simple home practices for natural armpit whitening can be found in the comfort of your kitchen at no extra cost.
There are also various over the counter topical treatments used to treat dark under arms by inhibiting natural melanin production in the under arm area making the skin in the area lighten. Natural armpit whitening takes up to a few weeks to make a positive change.
Armpit bleaching can also take an expensive course by using chemical peels with Alpha hydroxyl Acids, laser therapy or derma-brasion. These procedures remove the outermost layer of the skin and expose off the brighter layer underneath.
Lemon, Baking Soda and Cucumbers for Lightening Dark Underarms
Baking soda, lemon and cucumbers are the most common home treatments for dark skin under arms. They contain bleaching properties, antibacterial and leave your skin feeling fresh. Here is how each one of them works to give back your freedom to strapless tops and sleeveless dresses.
Lemon Juice for Lightening Dark Skin Underarms

This is a natural skin whitening alternative. It is a natural bleach and an effective antibacterial and antiseptic. However the citric acid can be a little harsh and irritating to the skin. It also has the tendency to dry out skin. I recommend that you apply moisturizer anytime you use lemon as home treatment for dark underarms.
If you plan to use lemon over large areas of skin, consider diluting it with water or creating a paste with honey or yogurt.
To lighten dark underarms, mix turmeric powder, plain yogurt and honey with lemon juice. Paste this to the underarms in circular motions and let it sit for ten minutes. Wash the paste off and pat dry your armpits. Do this three times a week.
For exfoliation and to remove dead cells
- Cut out a thick slice of lemon, rub onto the underarm area
- You can sprinkle sugar on the lemon slice for better exfoliation.
- Let it sit for 10-15 minutes then wash the area thoroughly.
Whitening Underarms with Baking Soda
Baking soda is a common household cleaner. It not only whitens underarms but can also be used as a teeth whitener. It has been used for ages to help with many skin conditions. It has also been widely used to lighten skin especially the underarm area. It is most effective when mixed with other household ingredients such as honey, rose water and yogurt.
Here is how to whiten underarms Fast– Use baking soda to make a homemade scrub by adding water into it to make a thick paste. This effectively removes damaged and dead cells. It unclogs the skin pores and lightens skin. It also kills the germs in the area leaving you feeling clean, fresh and with lighter skin

Note that however gentle it feels, baking soda can have a drying effect on skin. To make a skin friendly paste with baking soda, mix soda with honey, apply the paste to the area in circular motions and let it sit for at least ten minutes before washing off.
This remedy can effectively be used as a natural deodorant. Dust lightly on the armpits to control sweating and lighten underarm skin.
- Make a thick paste of baking soda with Rose water
- Apply to the underarms.
- Let is sit for a few minutes then wash off with warm water.
- Do this four times a week until you the underarm skin lightens.
Cucumber for Lightening Dark Underarms

These have similar properties to those of potatoes. It gently bleaches skin to give you lighter appearance.
- Simply rub a slice of cucumber to the underarm of apply cucumber to the underarm area.
- You can also make a thick paste with turmeric and some drops of lemon juice. Let it sit for fifteen minutes then wash off.
- Do this daily until you start seeing a lighter appearance then you can reduce the frequency to three days a week.
Both lemon and cucumber have natural bleaching properties. This ability is enhanced when these two powerful DIY ingredients are used together. Make a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice. Apply to the skin under arms. For best results sprinkle a little turmeric powder. Do this on a daily basis for optimal results.
Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Armpits
If you have dark skin under arms and it has been ruled out not to be caused by acanthosis nigrans, you should wear a smile because non medical dark skin under arms can be treated with simple DIY natural armpit whitening. This simple home remedies are simple, safe, effective, natural and very effective. Here are home treatments for dark underarms other that lemon, baking soda and cucumbers.
Unlike strong bleaching, potatoes are mildly acidic and are not likely to cause skin irritation.
- Cut out a thin slice of potato and apply to the underarm area
- You can also grate the potato and apply the juice to the area
- Let it sit for fifteen minutes then wash off with warm water
- Do this twice daily for best results
Coconut oil
Enriched with vitamin E, coconut oil acts naturally to lighten skin in the armpit area. It also doubles as a natural deodorant.
- Apply coconut oil to the underarms
- Leave it for ten minutes
- Wash off with warm water and soap
- Do this twice daily for effective underarm whitening
Orange peel
Dry out orange peels in the sun and grind. Make a paste by adding in rose water and milk. Apply in the armpit area in circular motions and allow it to sit for ten minutes. This effectively removes dead cells. Rinse with cold water and pat dry.
- Mix a cup of sugar with three tablespoons of extra virgin oil
- Apply to wet skin when having a shower then rinse off
- Do this three times a week every time you bathe.

Apple Cider Vinegar has anti bacterial and bleaching properties. It also has a sweet smell that leaves your underarms smelling fresh. Mix vinegar with rice flour to make a paste
- After taking your shower, apply this to the underarms and let it dry
- Rinse with warm water
Combine a tablespoon of sandalwood with rose water to make a paste. Apply to the underarm and leave for ten minutes. Wash off and pat dry. This mixture has a cooling effect on skin and leaves it feeling soft. It also helps get rid of body odor due to excessive sweating.
This remedy is very effective in natural armpit whitening. The fatty acids and vitamins in milk are believed to be the skin lightening agents.
- Take a tablespoon of milk with equal amounts of honey
- Add a little turmeric powder or lime juice to this mixture and apply it on the dark armpits.
You can also mix milk with some gram flour and honey. Make a paste and apply to the under arm area and let it dry. Rinse off with cold water and pat dry.
Gram flour
Mix lemon juice, gram flour, curd and a pinch of turmeric, apply it on your dark underarms and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do this three times in a week
NB: Remember that, if your dark underarms are caused by acanthosis nigrans, you should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Natural armpit whitening works best if done alongside proper hygienic practices and safe hair removal in the underarm area. So, take regular showers, exfoliate, wax and keep off alcohol based deodorants. Remember to eat healthy and drink plenty of water to keep your skin cycle regular, healthy and glowing.
thanks for this article
it’s about half a month i’m using lemon juice for my underarms and they have been lightened for about 30 percent